full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sandeep Jauhar: How your emotions change the shape of your heart

Unscramble the Blue Letters

No doubt, this and similar studies are salml, and, of course, correlation does not povre ctauasion. It's certainly possible that stress leads to ulehathny habits, and that's the real reason for the iacnersed cardiovascular risk. But as with the association of smoking and lung cancer, when so many studies show the same thing, and when there are mechanisms to explain a causal relationship, it seems capricious to deny that one probably exists. What many doctors have concluded is what I, too, have learned in my nearly two decades as a heart specialist: the emotional heart intersects with its blicoioagl counterpart in surprising and mysterious ways.

Open Cloze

No doubt, this and similar studies are _____, and, of course, correlation does not _____ _________. It's certainly possible that stress leads to _________ habits, and that's the real reason for the _________ cardiovascular risk. But as with the association of smoking and lung cancer, when so many studies show the same thing, and when there are mechanisms to explain a causal relationship, it seems capricious to deny that one probably exists. What many doctors have concluded is what I, too, have learned in my nearly two decades as a heart specialist: the emotional heart intersects with its __________ counterpart in surprising and mysterious ways.


  1. small
  2. unhealthy
  3. biological
  4. causation
  5. increased
  6. prove

Original Text

No doubt, this and similar studies are small, and, of course, correlation does not prove causation. It's certainly possible that stress leads to unhealthy habits, and that's the real reason for the increased cardiovascular risk. But as with the association of smoking and lung cancer, when so many studies show the same thing, and when there are mechanisms to explain a causal relationship, it seems capricious to deny that one probably exists. What many doctors have concluded is what I, too, have learned in my nearly two decades as a heart specialist: the emotional heart intersects with its biological counterpart in surprising and mysterious ways.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
emotional heart 3
blood pressure 3
takotsubo cardiomyopathy 3
coronary disease 3
human heart 2
emotional life 2
blood vessels 2
broken heart 2
heart acutely 2
distinctive shape 2
mysterious ways 2
intensive lifestyle 2
stress management 2
coronary plaque 2
coronary bypass 2
heart disease 2

Important Words

  1. association
  2. biological
  3. cancer
  4. capricious
  5. cardiovascular
  6. causal
  7. causation
  8. concluded
  9. correlation
  10. counterpart
  11. decades
  12. deny
  13. doctors
  14. doubt
  15. emotional
  16. exists
  17. explain
  18. habits
  19. heart
  20. increased
  21. intersects
  22. leads
  23. learned
  24. lung
  25. mechanisms
  26. mysterious
  27. prove
  28. real
  29. reason
  30. relationship
  31. risk
  32. show
  33. similar
  34. small
  35. smoking
  36. stress
  37. studies
  38. surprising
  39. unhealthy
  40. ways